Instructions for e-transfer of course fees will be sent upon receipt of a completed registration form. Places in courses will be held once course fee is received. All fees must be paid before the course begins. If you are unable to use e-transfer, please contact Julia to arrange an alternate method of payment.
Policy and Payment Information
General Policy
- Payment may be made by e-transfer- email address will be provided once you’ve filled out the registration form
- For group classes during the school year, course fees are pro-rated for students registering after the session has started
Private Lesson Payment and Policy
Private lessons are available year round and can be arranged for weekly sessions throughout the year or for short-term coaching sessions. Payment can be made monthly at the start of the month, or quarterly i.e: 10 lessons at a time. Registration involves a completed registration form with payment to reserve a lesson space. Payment can be made by e-transfer. Email instructions for e-transfers will be sent once you’ve completed the registration form
- Private lesson students are permitted one make-up lesson per 10 week term, granted the student/parent provides the teacher with 24 hour notice.
- Make-up lessons must be scheduled during the term/session within which they are cancelled and are not transferable to future terms or sessions. It is the student’s/parent’s responsibility to contact the teacher directly.
- Lessons cancelled by the teacher or due to statutory holidays will be rescheduled without penalty.
- Refunds are not given for last minute cancelled/missed lessons except under special circumstances, e.g. extended illness with a doctor’s note.
Group Lesson Payment and Policy
Summer Programs
6 week Summer Programs – payment in full is required by e-transfer to complete your registration and hold your spot in the class
Fall, Winter and Spring Programs
Note: there will be no group lessons offered for the fall term of 2022 or the winter term of 2023.
For classes during the school year: there will be 2 terms of classes offered that are 16 weeks each: September to the beginning of February, and mid-February to the beginning of June (specific dates will accompany course descriptions )
- One-Time Payment: Full tuition due at time of registration,
- Two Installments:1st Installment due at time of registration covering 50% of course fee. 2nd Installment due on or before the 8th class, covering the remaining 50% of fee.
- Refunds are not provided for missed classes. If a student withdraws from a program either before it begins or within the first four weeks, 75% of the fee for any remaining classes will be refunded. No refunds will be given after the fourth week.
- No refunds will be given for summer programs.
- If any program is cancelled due to insufficient enrollment, a full refund will be provided.